Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Close The Profile, Close The Deal

How do you end your profile?

Never really thought much about it, huh?

Here's a tip, at the end of your profile, or any initial contact email you send her, give her a reason to email you back. Make it easy for her. Ask her a few questions, and give her a few free questions to ask you. Writing an initial email is sometimes pretty hard (as you may know), so the easier it is for her, the more likely she is to write you.

This is a standard profile closer technique. It is something to add to the bottom of your profile as an opener for the reader to use if they want to contact you but are short of things to say.

“You’ve now reached the end of my profile. Now you’ve got to make that
all important decision to email me. But what do you say in your
email? I know it can be tough to cold email someone so...
Pick a question, any question!
-What do you do for fun? For work? With friends?
-If you could have three wishes, what would they be? And you
can’t wish for more wishes.

-Tell me the last great adventure you had in your

You should probably only offer three choices at a time, but here are some other options:

  • If you could have dinner with any single famous dead person (language barrier not an issue) who would it be? And more importantly... why?

  • If you were going to write a book about any one thing, what would it be... and why?

Notice that none of the questions are the standard boring, “what are your favorite movies, what bands do you like, what TV shows do you watch” stuff... Whatever you do, don’t bore her.

That's it for today, just a short tip that can make a big impact on the amount of emails you get. If you've got your own favorite profile closing techniques, email them to me! I'm making a compilation of profile tricks, and if I include yours, I'll send you a free copy!



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